Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them
what counts is best. ~ Bob Talbert

Friday, January 16, 2009

Eco Kids


Recently I was introduced to a new favourite website: Eco Kids.

There is a kids area and a teachers area when you first arrive at the website. As a homeschooling parent, you can register as a "teacher" and get access to all of the neat resources available. You just need to provide an email address to use as your log in.

One of the resources that I am enjoying with my kids is the calendars. Each month has a different Eco theme, and each day has a little fact, riddle or activity related to the theme.

For example:
January - Winter Wonderlands
February - Global Village
March - Water
April - Earth Day
May - 3 R's - Recycling, Reusing, Reducing
June - Looking At What We Eat

The calendars are easy to print off, hang on the fridge, and use as a new way of learning about environmental ideas.

There is much more available on the site, so take a moment to look around at Eco Kids